2 Broke Girls

 I decided up front that I am going to start and end this post by saying something nice about this show, because I will spend the rest of the time trashing it. Okay, something nice, something nice... Kat Dennings has great tits. She actually mentions the fact a lot in the course of the show. Okay, I'm not being completely fair. The premise of the show isn't bad. Former rich girl falls on hard times, moves in with girl from the wrong side of the tracks and tries to help her make her dream come true. Each episode ends with how much closer to (or sometimes further away from) their goal they have made it. But in execution it all falls apart.

This show should have been an easy sell for me, as I have a big crush on Kat Dennings, and have had a crush on Jennifer Coolidge since American Pie. I like dirty jokes. I am a fan of Garret Morris. But this show goes a little too far in the dirty joke department for me, at least for a broadcast prime time show. Put that bullshit on cable. I've never cringed so hard as I did when I walked in the room and my granddaughter was watching a rerun of this show and they made a series of cum jokes. And again, in the proper context I'm all about a good cum joke or seven. But not for family fucking programming.

But the writing is only a part of the problem. A big part, but only part. Even the clumsiest, most ham handed sexual innuendo can be pulled of by a cast with charisma and chemistry. This cast has no chemistry, and while I have seen the individual members  display charisma in the past it is completely AWOL on this show. Between terrible fake accents, everyone shouting their lines at the top of their lungs, the non-stop laugh track even when no one said anything even remotely funny, And Kat Dennings smirking at the camera as if to make sure the viewer didn't miss her completely obvious double entendre, this show leaves me feeling more assaulted than amused.

I feel like they should just cut to the chase and skip all the "subtlety". Kat Dennings should just repeat the line "I am a whore with huge tits." Beth Behrs (aka the other broke girl) should just say "I'm a frigid princess". Garrett Morris' line is "I'm a funky black dude who is too old and stoned to know what's going on". Jonathan Kite says "I'm a problematic immigrant stereotype who is obsessed with my dick, and getting you to look at/ touch it". Jennifer Coolidge, "I'm another problematic immigrant stereotype who really wants to look at/tough his dick". And Matthew Moy doesn't have any lines, everyone just calls him various ethnic slurs about Asian people. Have I mentioned that the writing for this show is the fucking worst?

But wait, I promised that I would end by saying something nice. Let's see, sets? Naw, they aren't bad for a show like this, but not particularly great either. I already mentioned that the overall storyline isn't bad. Let's see, maybe it's that you can stream it on the free streaming apps? No, no, wait, I got it. Here it is, the nicest thing I can say about this show. Kat Dennings has great tits. I know I said that already too, but they're so good it deserves mentioning them twice.
